While impresive in it’s concept it is certainly the most cumbersome way to post articles to the masses. I recently installed the wordpress application on my iPhone and am very impressed with how easy it is to connect to my self-hosted wordpress-based blog.
I’m not so impressed with the speed at which the mobile device allows me to write. Although superior in speed to most mobile phones and smart phones, for someone who is used to typing 80 words per minute, I’m liable to go out of my mind touch-typing.
One of the more impressive features of the iPhone which makes writing this article much faster than expected is the accuracy of the spell check dictionary and speed at which the typos are corrected. It’s as though the phone can sense context.
With a Bluetooth portable keyboard, I can see the day coming where I won’t need my laptop to write compelling content for my blog. Rather, the laptop will become a tool solely for touching up posts and embedding context-sensitive media and a way to modify underlying code to massage and grow the functionality and design of the site. Until then, the wordpress mobile app for yw iPhone will be a fantastic way to start drafts.